
Sonntag, 23. Februar 2014


Today Mama and I decided to go to the zoo in Munich. So we made it through the crowd to the entrance and payed 8,50 (student) and 12,00 Euro. Next to the entrance there was a picture of a young Giraffe. Regarding to the death of 2 year old Marius we already started with bad feelings. So we walked from one alive-museum-animal in small loveless cages to the next. The worst was an asian elephant which moved back and forwards all the time, his nose was like a rope, no power, just hanging there... was a weird and extremly sad picture. The same with monkeys, bear, lion, wolfs... they just didn't look happy at all. It seemed like they don't know what to do with themselves. I hate zoos, it is so selfish to bring animals from all over the world and put them in these small unrealistic cages, stare at them and kill them after they grew big (I know, some of them get older than they would get in nature... but some of them get killed after they take too much space), cause little babys attract people the most.
No, it makes me so sad to see them live this way, and why? Because we want it.

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