Uh, much time passed and I ignored my blog for so long! Let me give you little update.
However, right now, since 4,5 month I´m as busy as I´ve never been before. I go to school again. I learn how to cut movies and I have to learn it in 10 month. So half of this time is already gone and I stil feel overwhelmed by all the things I learned so far. But without comparing with some other students I think I do quite well. I started at zero... so...
I lost my voice some days ago! (Yes, some days ago!) I was a little too busy to care for myselfe. Last week I had strong throatache and while it dissapeared my voice decided to go somewhere. In school we were preparing an one hour live show and I was in charge of the sound, microphones and stuff. We had to build the stage and think about a concept, meet all the time and talk, and wait and wait and wait, work, talk and wait. Everyday was exhausting but felt really good. I didn´t pay attention to my leaving voice and now i end up with some quicky sounding voice. Some episodes from teachers:
Older guy: Oh, you sound like me now, just more erotic! (Then he offered me a very delicious chocolate from France)
Lady: Oh my god, your voice! Stop talking imediately! No single word! (She told me she had it too for some days and she ignored it and ended up with inflamed larynx and had to keep her mouth closed for weeks!) So she gave me paper and pen and wrote a message for everyone: Anna is not allowed to speak! - So I can show the people who try to talk with me. It was funny.
But its impossible to not talk! This experience shows me how much i say every day and how important it is to be able to comunicate! Its terrible. After school I felt a little depressed,... maybe because everyone was talking about yesterdays liveshow and how it went and what happened and so on and I had paper and pen in my hands and tried to smile... No talking makes me sad. I wasn´t part of this day, not really. Later I was skyping with my boyfriend because I couldn´t stand this not saying-thing any more... but I regret a little bit, I think my voice didn´t like it. Okay... enough of this.
One more thing though: I bought a spray for mouth and throat which is out of Manuka honey. The lady in the shop told me that this honey is very special (not just the price). They even use it against cancer! So it is supposed to heal inflamed organs and she adviced me to buy it. I hope that I can trust her. We will see.
Tomorrow I have to work in the organic food store as every saturday and usually I´m the cashier but this time I will not be able to tell the customers how much they have to pay... so I´m curious how it will be. could be funny, could be annoying.
I. is on snowboard-holidays now. I´m jealous.
In general I want to say that I again try to feel happy and see things positive. In life I think it´s a desicion to be happy. It is simple, when you look at people: Some have everything but they still feel unhappy, unsatisfied, complaining. They dont really have any real problems. Then, look at someone who has nothing and is suprisingly happy. Happiness simply cannot depend on our condition. There are also other examples where it´s the opposite (has nothing, is unhappy, has a lot, is happy) and I still think its easier to be happy when you are not hungry and healthy but in general it´s still something everyone of us has to decide. At least I need to cause if I don´t, I would keep complaining about every little fart.
I wish you all a good, happy night.
I. :)